The Future of Real Estate - Budget 2023


The Future of Real Estate - Budget 2023

The Union Budget 2023 has significant implications for the real estate sector in India. As the government's annual blueprint for the economy, it raises important questions about how it supports the revival of India's housing demand and its impact on various segments of the real estate industry. In this blog, we will delve into the key announcements and their potential effects on the sector.

Budget 2023 Highlights for Real Estate:

1. Increased Allocation for PM Awas Yojana

The budget has allocated 66% more funds, amounting to over 79,000 crore rupees, to the PM Awas Yojana. This substantial increase is a welcome move for the affordable housing segment, which is witnessing high demand across the country. The scheme's extension is expected to spur the construction of low-cost housing in tier 3 and tier 4 towns, benefiting the masses.


2. Job Creation and Demand Boost

The emphasis on capital investment outlay in the budget is likely to lead to job creation, which, in turn, can generate demand in various sectors, including real estate. More jobs mean more disposable income in the hands of people, which can potentially be reinvested in real estate, further driving the sector's growth


3. Higher Tax on REITs

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) have gained popularity as a viable investment option on the Indian stock market. However, the budget introduced a 40% or higher tax on payments of interest or debt to sponsors by REITs. This move could deter retail investors from participating in REITs, impacting liquidity and investor confidence in the sector.


4. Capping of Capital Gains Exemption

The budget imposed a cap of 10 crore rupees on the capital gains exemption on the sale of residential properties. Property above this value would no longer be eligible for the exemption.


5. Affordable Housing

The increased allocation for PM Awas Yojana and the subsidy enhancements are positive news for the affordable housing segment. With continued government support and incentives, developers in this space can expect sustained demand and growth.


6. Urban Housing

One notable gap in the budget was the lack of incentives for urban housing. Despite the rising property values and interest rates, there were no additional benefits for homebuyers in urban areas. This oversight could have implications on housing demand in cities.


7. Real Estate Infrastructure

The budget's focus on infrastructure development, including tourism, airports, and manufacturing, is expected to positively impact real estate. Improved infrastructure often increases demand for commercial and residential properties in those regions.The Union Budget 2023 addresses various aspects of the economy, there was a missed opportunity to provide further incentives for urban housing. As the real estate sector adapts to these changes, how the industry will fare in the coming months remains to be seen.
