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Sunrise Aura - The Purr-fect Home For Your Furry Friends

Creating a home that caters to both your requirements and the needs of your beloved furry friend can often pose a challenge. As the number of pet parents continues to grow, it has become increasingly vital to consider the possibility of having a pet in your family when buying a new house. Whether you're already a proud pet parent or contemplating adoption, Sunrise Aura at Southern Bypass promises to be a haven for your furry babies.

Open Spaces For Your Pets


Sunrise Aura is enveloped in an 80% open landscape area, with a sprawling 1.4-acre elevated podium that serves as a tranquil retreat. The open spaces are a perfect setting for your furry friends to wander, run, play and find their solace amongst their family - you!

Keep Your Fur Babies Active


It's not just great for your own health but also for your furry friend's well-being. You can take your pet for a run or a leisurely walk, providing them with exercise and mental stimulation. Sunrise Aura offers sufficient outdoor spaces to keep your furry roam, play and relax.

Safety & Security


The controlled environment of a gated community ensures safety, so you don't have to worry about traffic or other hazards. It's a win-win for both you and your pet, fostering a healthy and happy lifestyle together.

Natural Lighting


Pets love soaking up the sun and observing the outside world. Be it inside the home or out in nature, Sunrise Aura offers ample natural lighting that allows them to cherish the outside world.

Pet-friendly Neighbour


Sunrise Aura cultivates a warm and pet-welcoming environment, offering plenty of chances for you and your furry companion to engage with others.

Acquiring a home when you have a beloved pet is an incredibly exciting and satisfying venture. At Sunrise Aura, we are dedicated to meeting both your and your pet's needs, ensuring it becomes a place where both of you can truly feel at home, like your own cozy sanctuary.